Phone: (830) 796-4213
A: We are open from 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday through Friday and 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturdays. You can check out our Calendar for any Holiday closures.
A: We have WiFi available 24/7 that reaches to our parking lot.
The password is Bandera! (password is case sensitive)
A: Yes! Copies are $0.15 per page for black and white and $0.50 per page for color (two-sided pages count as two pages). We can send out a fax for you at $1.00 per page or receive a fax for you at $0.50 per page. We can scan documents to an email or a USB for a donation.
A: Yes, but our notary is not always at the library. Please call to make an appointment with our notary or make sure she is available before hand. If she is not available we can point you into the direction of other notaries in the area. It costs $5.00 for the first notarized page and $1.00 for each additional notarized page.
A: No, our computers are free for the public to use whether you are a patron with our library or not.
A: No, unfortunately the three libraries in Bandera County are not connected to be able to do this, but if you are a Bandera County Resident you can get a card with our library for free. If not, you can ask your home library about a TexShare Card, to get a card with us for free.
A: Story Time is on Thursdays at 10:30am. Check out our calendar to see if there are any changes in this schedule. Text @banderal to 81010 or go to and create a student account to get updates on Story Time.
A: The Friends hold their monthly book fair on the first Saturday of the month. You can check out our Calendar to see when the next book fair will be held. Find out more about the Friends of the Library here.
A: The Library has Study/Meeting Rooms available for "not-for-profit" events/meetings only. Please contact us for more information.
A: You can reserve and renew books online by logging into our online catalog using your patron number. To renew items click on "my account" then "Items Out/Renewals" from there you can renew your items. You can reserve items by searching for the book you would like to reserve and clicking the "reserve" button next to the books title. We will contact you when the book is ready for you to pick up. If you would like to be put on the list for future books by a certain author you can log into our catalog and go to "My account" then "Reserves/Requests". Next to "Have some favorite authors?" click "receive new items" and then pick from the list of authors if you would like to receive either new books or audiobooks from that author.
Give us a call at (830) 796-4213 or use our Contact Us page to send us an email.
Continue to follow prompts on screen that pops up.
** If you have ever checked out a book from the Bandera Kronkosky Public Library you may already have an account. Please call or email us to get your account information if you no longer have it. (830) 796-4213 or
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